Provably Fair - Roulette

X50 rolls

The results on are determined using a provably fair algorithm, ensuring they are generated before bets are accepted and cannot be altered by the casino for their benefit. The process of verifying results is transparent and available for all to see.

For the Roulette game, a new random number (lotto) and string of random letters and numbers (seed) are generated every 24 hours to determine the outcomes for that day. The seed is hidden from users, but the SHA256-Hash of the seed is displayed to prove the results have not been tampered with in favor of the casino.

Each round of the game also has a unique Round ID or Nonce. The combination of the Nonce, Lotto and Seed determine the outcome of each round. You can use the provided Javascript code to check the results of the game.

  let hash = '8219b52120967bea996d40c4e3b2a9a5d8cea180' 
  let round_nr = '1' 
  let lotto = '97639472398' 
  let sh = sha256 (hash + '-' + round_nr + '-' + lotto);
  roll = sh.substr(0, 8);
  roll = parseInt(roll, 16);
  roll = math.abs(roll) % 15;
  console.log('Rolled ' + roll);
Date Hash Lottery Rolls